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Kalimat Pasif Simple Past Tense


Pada materi yang lalu kalian sudah belajar tentang bagaimana cara membuat kalimat pasif dalam simple present tense. Nah, Sekarang kita akan belajar cara membuat kalimat pasif dalam simple past tense . 

Jika dalam membuat kalimat pasif di simple present tense, kita menggunakan to be (is, am, are). Maka di dalam simple past tense kita menggunakan (was, were).


Perhatikan rumus di bawah ini:
Positif : 
Subjek + was/were + V3

Negatif : 
Subjek + was/were + not + V3

Pertanyaan : 
Was/were + subjek + V3

I : was
She/he/it : was
You/we/they: were

Contoh kalimat:
Contoh 1:
(+) He wrote the poetry. (Dia menulis puisi.)
(-) He didn’t write the poetry. (Dia tidak menulis puisi.)
(?) Did he write the poetry? (Apakah dia menulis puisi?)

Contoh 2:
1). We cleaned our house this morning. (Kami membersihkan rumah kami tadi pagi.)
2). Tina bought the laptop two weeks ago. (Tina membeli laptop itu dua minggu lalu.)
3). Andi washed the car. (Andi mencuci mobil.)
4). Toni brought the books to my house yesterday (Toni membawa buku-buku ke rumah saya kemarin.)
5). I sent the letter to my father last month. (Saya mengirim surat kepada ayah saya bulan lalu.)

Contoh 1:
(+) The poetry was written by him.
(-) The poetry wasn’t written by him.
(?) Was the poetry written by him?

Contoh 2:
1). Our house was cleaned this morning.  (Rumah kami dibersihkan tadi pagi.)
2). The laptop was bought by Tina two weeks ago. (Laptop itu dibeli Tina dua minggu lalu.)
3). The car was washed by Andi. (Mobil tersebut dicuci oleh Andi.)
4). The books were brought by Toni to my yesterday (Buku-buku dibawa oleh Toni ke rumah saya kemarin.)
5). The letter was sent by me to my father last month. (Surat dikirim oleh saya kepada ayah saya bulan lalu.)

Untuk melatih pemahaman teman-teman silahkan kerjakan soal berikut:
1). Tina washed the bike.
2). I didn’t read the book.
3). Did Tina send the letter?

Selamat mengerjakan. Good luck!